Available on YouTube and across Social Media

Meet the PMs is a series of content by Vincenzo Calla covering Canada's Prime Ministers, their histories and their legacies. This content includes longer video profiles of Canada's Prime Ministers, as well as shorter informative videos and graphics about them.

What is the format?

The longer profile videos are about 3-5 minutes in length, and go over each Prime Minister. 

The show discusses each Prime Minister, who they were, what they did, when they governed, and their legacy.

The short videos and graphics are more brief, with info and fun facts about the Prime Ministers in different forms.

Learn more about Meet the PMs

Take a Deep Dive into Meet the PMs!

Episode 1

Learn about Sir John A. Macdonald

Episode 2

Learn about Alexander Mackenzie

Episode 3

Learn about Sir John Abbott

Episode 4

Learn about Sir John Thompson

Episode 5

Learn about Sir Mackenzie Bowell

Episode 6

Learn about Sir Charles Tupper

Episode 7

Learn about Sir Wilfrid Laurier

Episode 8

Learn about Sir Robert Borden

Episode 9

Learn about Arthur Meighen

Episode 10

Learn about William Lyon Mackenzie King

Episode 11

Learn about R. B. Bennett

Episode 12

Learn about Louis St. Laurent

Episode 13

Learn about John Diefenbaker

Episode 14

Learn about Lester B. Pearson

Episode 15

Learn about Pierre Elliott Trudeau

Episode 16

Learn about Joe Clark

Episode 17

Learn about John Turner

Episode 18

Learn about Brian Mulroney

Episode 19

Learn about Kim Campbell

Episode 20

Learn about Jean Chrétien

Episode 21

Learn about Paul Martin

Episode 22

Learn about Stephen Harper